Welcome to our blog, Elevating Student Success!
We are the Career and Academic Connections (CAC) Division at the Oklahoma Department of Career and Technology Education.
Here you will find posts designed to help you in the areas of:
- Academics
- Career Development
- Career Information Online System
- Diversity/Equity
- Guidance/Counseling
- Job Search
- Special Needs
We promise not to flood your email with blog postings. :)
Here's our team
& Academic Connections Coordinator405-743-5159, kelly.arrington@careertech.ok.gov
• Manage the Career and Academic Connections Division, ensuring support for career and academic development for Oklahomans K-Adult.• Provide professional development, technical assistance and career development strategies for K-Adult.• Disseminate monthly student services email update.• Serve as process leader for student support services at ODCTE.
• Manage the Career and Academic Connections Division, ensuring support for career and academic development for Oklahomans K-Adult.• Provide professional development, technical assistance and career development strategies for K-Adult.• Disseminate monthly student services email update.• Serve as process leader for student support services at ODCTE.
Academic Coordinator
Assist with academic advisement, planning and transcript issues.
Serve as academic liaison for ODCTE to SDE and OSHRE.
Assist with CTE and A-F Report Card issues.
• Write Career Advisor e-newsletter.
Advise K-12 and tech center counselors on guidance, career development and
academic issues.
Assist technology center student services support staff with the Guidance Self
• Provide college and career
readiness technical assistance and professional development.
Assist with Career Readiness Certificates.
Assist with ACT WorkKeys for Job Profiles.
Assist with Key Train/CR 101.
• Serve as liaison for OCDCT and ACT
for WorkKeys.
Twila Green, M.Ed.
High Schools & Tech Centers That Work Coordinator
405-643-5511, twila.green@careertech.ok.gov
Coordinate & support school improvement and innovation.
Assure students develop the academic knowledge & skills required by students’ career choices.
• Assist with location
and Diversity Specialist
Assist K-12, technology and skills centers personnel to meet local guidelines and state and federal
Provide professional development and technical assistance to ensure
partnerships and programs are appropriate and
accessible to individuals in special populations.
Coordinate and assist in developing/adapting products targeted toward services to members of special populations.
& Employment Information Services Coordinator
405-743-5404, jo.kahn@careertech.ok.gov
• Provide support to job placement and workforce professionals.
Develop, coordinate and provide professional development for Web- based career information and guidance
products in the classroom.
• Assist with the online career
development system.
Development Specialist
405-743-5425, roberta.douglas@careertech.ok.gov
• Assist with strategies for effective career development, K-Adult.
Oversee the online career development system, including training & technical support.
• Serve as Global Career Development
Facilitator course coordinator.
Cynthia Vick
Cynthia Vick
Career & Academic Connections Administrative Assistant
• Coordinate efficient office management for Career and Academic Connections Division.
• Provide communication and event logistics for Career & Academic Connections.
• Provide registration and event support for Career & Academic Connections.
Career & Academic Connections Division
annual events you should know about:
• Counselors
Only Conference (Partnered with State Department of Education)
• New Student Services Academy
• Student Services Endorsement Program
• OKCIS Training
• GuidanceFest
• CRC Conference
• Guidance
and ESSP Divisions at the annual CareerTech Summer Conference